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Estimated Travel Distance between American Cities
Asuncion Belize City Bogota Brasilia Bridgetown Buenos Aires Calie Caracas Chicago Guadalajara Guatemala City Guayaquil Havana Houston Juarez Kingston Lima Los Angeles Mexico City Montevideo Montreal Nassau New York Oranjestad Panama City Phoenix Rio de Janeiro San Jose San Salvador Santiago Santo Domingo Sao Paulo Toronto Vancouver Willemstad
Asuncion 0 5784.57 3761.93 1702.14 4268.32 1040.18 3782.08 4098.46 8069.15 7095.07 5683.44 3500.19 5999.49 7315.80 8180.59 5234.02 2508.31 9176.22 6689.09 1075.36 8026.35 5980.86 7523.14 4406.77 4479.72 8692.93 1486.78 4844.96 5515.12 1550.78 5115.47 1134.26 7974.34 10498.93 4327.07
Belize City 5784.57 0 2098.15 6079.26 3097.15 6572.27 2012.50 2418.32 2707.96 1629.04 404.67 2364.46 872.47 1546.82 2427.12 1205.87 3501.64 3505.56 1174.59 6725.98 3394.08 1402.86 2916.30 2023.43 1330.04 2968.50 6630.61 948.33 433.39 5956.51 1855.43 6411.61 3023.57 4716.37 2153.05
Bogota 3761.93 2098.15 0 3995.90 1846.48 4643.62 299.64 1025.85 4352.26 3627.37 2115.55 991.14 2242.73 3578.94 4523.92 1517.93 1878.87 5600.54 3174.75 4767.75 4544.84 2302.53 4012.82 985.64 772.55 5066.65 4532.50 1251.04 1941.32 4243.15 1642.39 4316.30 4372.31 6760.59 1008.28
Brasilia 1702.14 6079.26 3995.90 0 3659.30 2486.14 4146.30 3862.90 7825.67 7618.14 6109.27 4180.52 6007.99 7472.17 8484.15 5195.67 3541.27 9583.23 7168.58 2378.33 7459.07 5810.05 7022.37 4254.77 4767.43 9036.03 753.63 5239.16 5934.50 3249.46 4850.86 844.91 7544.05 10565.83 4139.70
Bridgetown 4268.32 3097.15 1846.48 3659.30 0 5299.71 2144.58 844.83 4185.03 4709.42 3336.35 2807.10 2643.20 4110.29 5191.24 1917.17 3391.29 6315.33 4264.55 5341.21 3833.23 2284.72 3372.66 1130.42 2219.24 5741.69 4379.38 2685.81 3196.66 5303.24 1349.15 4308.74 3886.41 6991.44 1014.51
Buenos Aires 1040.18 6572.27 4643.62 2486.14 5299.71 0 4618.64 5084.64 8991.89 7740.57 6418.99 4219.20 6883.41 8118.69 8902.01 6149.21 3116.35 9824.55 7368.14 230.43 9024.25 6916.26 8512.89 5369.47 5313.88 9383.94 1982.61 5623.94 6259.19 1111.17 6087.76 1694.21 8945.26 11271.56 5299.02
Calie 3782.08 2012.50 299.64 4146.30 2144.58 4618.64 0 1317.88 4409.48 3474.62 1974.26 726.93 2276.71 3533.85 4434.53 1618.42 1721.84 5488.23 3029.63 4756.02 4682.52 2406.82 4149.67 1235.53 698.58 4967.88 4646.13 1102.93 1799.44 4144.58 1842.51 4411.44 4479.14 6718.02 1275.25
Caracas 4098.46 2418.32 1025.85 3862.90 844.83 5084.64 1317.88 0 4026.53 4047.23 2599.79 2010.60 2157.39 3639.95 4691.80 1351.04 2743.96 5814.67 3591.36 5165.32 3940.43 1958.39 3428.64 406.64 1392.05 5248.61 4518.16 1878.05 2446.36 4899.57 1026.66 4378.04 3877.10 6703.95 281.23
Chicago 8069.15 2707.96 4352.26 7825.67 4185.03 8991.89 4409.48 4026.53 0 2775.25 3038.14 4952.87 2136.88 1510.62 2010.81 2842.91 6086.48 2799.80 2716.08 9106.35 1199.07 2089.62 1144.97 3678.33 3739.36 2332.13 8519.51 3563.48 3130.50 8544.69 3002.85 8399.75 701.02 2851.35 3771.33
Guadalajara 7095.07 1629.04 3627.37 7618.14 4709.42 7740.57 3474.62 4047.23 2775.25 0 1512.33 3597.78 2177.20 1288.85 1268.93 2794.61 4632.37 2087.26 458.74 7924.53 3867.36 2700.51 3550.02 3652.09 2862.24 1661.05 8111.73 2379.25 1686.14 6938.16 3413.82 7860.34 3379.43 3627.50 3781.78
Guatemala City 5683.44 404.67 2115.55 6109.27 3336.35 6418.99 1974.26 2599.79 3038.14 1512.33 0 2201.64 1276.28 1753.90 2497.70 1510.73 3314.09 3519.33 1059.41 6584.16 3780.43 1799.89 3310.73 2225.10 1350.22 3013.06 6620.25 872.02 175.00 5741.29 2166.26 6381.31 3395.43 4852.62 2352.00
Guayaquil 3500.19 2364.46 991.14 4180.52 2807.10 4219.20 726.93 2010.60 4952.87 3597.78 2201.64 0 2823.67 3909.55 4695.09 2266.35 1142.14 5676.10 3189.00 4382.57 5332.98 3040.31 4802.02 1961.46 1237.74 5196.94 4571.41 1421.94 2040.18 3606.30 2559.10 4294.48 5092.98 7052.90 1995.83
Havana 5999.49 872.47 2242.73 6007.99 2643.20 6883.41 2276.71 2157.39 2136.88 2177.20 1276.28 2823.67 0 1486.81 2556.18 812.34 3951.73 3682.48 1783.48 7010.31 2608.89 552.79 2104.06 1756.59 1602.55 3110.82 6635.56 1477.88 1270.64 6407.87 1296.27 6463.42 2297.62 4579.71 1876.63
Houston 7315.80 1546.82 3578.94 7472.17 4110.29 8118.69 3533.85 3639.95 1510.62 1288.85 1753.90 3909.55 1486.81 0 1083.72 2289.20 5043.04 2205.12 1209.15 8270.69 2578.68 1848.78 2279.04 3236.15 2837.20 1631.41 8075.66 2494.94 1892.76 7488.22 2762.37 7882.24 2091.16 3184.92 3358.74
Juarez 8180.59 2427.12 4523.92 8484.15 5191.24 8902.01 4434.53 4691.80 2010.81 1268.93 2497.70 4695.09 2556.18 1083.72 0 3343.08 5786.49 1126.32 1551.07 9073.49 3208.55 2931.85 3056.89 4285.60 3757.16 556.81 9054.77 3342.99 2665.46 8156.92 3842.35 8838.72 2706.20 2390.09 4411.01
Kingston 5234.02 1205.87 1517.93 5195.67 1917.17 6149.21 1618.42 1351.04 2842.91 2794.61 1510.73 2266.35 812.34 2289.20 3343.08 0 3339.10 4467.63 2354.64 6264.10 3070.10 789.11 2537.96 947.02 1046.18 3899.74 5825.51 1191.19 1408.33 5753.73 655.73 5658.39 2862.46 5387.97 1069.81
Lima 2508.31 3501.64 1878.87 3541.27 3391.29 3116.35 1721.84 2743.96 6086.48 4632.37 3314.09 1142.14 3951.73 5043.04 5786.49 3339.10 0 6719.47 4252.41 3293.91 6404.10 4126.18 5871.22 2837.22 2351.31 6268.54 3770.19 2563.13 3159.78 2464.61 3520.22 3453.47 6195.58 8162.82 2829.37
Los Angeles 9176.22 3505.56 5600.54 9583.23 6315.33 9824.55 5488.23 5814.67 2799.80 2087.26 3519.33 5676.10 3682.48 2205.12 1126.32 4467.63 6719.47 0 2488.10 10010.58 3962.81 4047.42 3932.80 5408.17 4828.68 573.88 10130.67 4386.25 3692.88 8992.08 4966.99 9899.30 3489.23 1735.86 5534.22
Mexico City 6689.09 1174.59 3174.75 7168.58 4264.55 7368.14 3029.63 3591.36 2716.08 458.74 1059.41 3189.00 1783.48 1209.15 1551.07 2354.64 4252.41 2488.10 0 7545.77 3725.33 2323.68 3357.25 3197.90 2407.34 2016.17 7672.88 1929.99 1234.09 6605.96 2984.34 7427.47 3258.20 3941.09 3327.49
Montevideo 1075.36 6725.98 4767.75 2378.33 5341.21 230.43 4756.02 5165.32 9106.35 7924.53 6584.16 4382.57 7010.31 8270.69 9073.49 6264.10 3293.91 10010.58 7545.77 0 9098.78 7023.79 8592.93 5463.07 5453.46 9561.92 1826.85 5778.08 6422.29 1340.86 6177.03 1560.89 9036.84 11434.47 5387.84
Montreal 8026.35 3394.08 4544.84 7459.07 3833.23 9024.25 4682.52 3940.43 1199.07 3867.36 3780.43 5332.98 2608.89 2578.68 3208.55 3070.10 6404.10 3962.81 3725.33 9098.78 0 2293.48 532.88 3680.25 4099.10 3521.39 8195.95 4076.81 3825.59 8777.40 2956.76 8140.75 504.43 3684.30 3737.42
Nassau 5980.86 1402.86 2302.53 5810.05 2284.72 6916.26 2406.82 1958.39 2089.62 2700.51 1799.89 3040.31 552.79 1848.78 2931.85 789.11 4126.18 4047.42 2323.68 7023.79 2293.48 0 1764.22 1593.35 1805.63 3473.90 6475.82 1827.28 1770.07 6542.16 964.35 6334.78 2073.37 4758.36 1692.74
New York 7523.14 2916.30 4012.82 7022.37 3372.66 8512.89 4149.67 3428.64 1144.97 3550.02 3310.73 4802.02 2104.06 2279.04 3056.89 2537.96 5871.22 3932.80 3357.25 8592.93 532.88 1764.22 0 3157.03 3569.50 3441.10 7750.34 3560.88 3343.77 8247.82 2433.62 7679.08 552.99 3902.64 3218.09
Oranjestad 4406.77 2023.43 985.64 4254.77 1130.42 5369.47 1235.53 406.64 3678.33 3652.09 2225.10 1961.46 1756.59 3236.15 4285.60 947.02 2837.22 5408.17 3197.90 5463.07 3680.25 1593.35 3157.03 0 1109.36 4842.41 4897.99 1557.68 2078.17 5108.00 723.56 4745.78 3575.81 6317.13 129.77
Panama City 4479.72 1330.04 772.55 4767.43 2219.24 5313.88 698.58 1392.05 3739.36 2862.24 1350.22 1237.74 1602.55 2837.20 3757.16 1046.18 2351.31 4828.68 2407.34 5453.46 4099.10 1805.63 3569.50 1109.36 0 4297.25 5302.96 510.14 1177.55 4805.34 1467.64 5081.59 3855.69 6022.02 1210.71
Phoenix 8692.93 2968.50 5066.65 9036.03 5741.69 9383.94 4967.88 5248.61 2332.13 1661.05 3013.06 5196.94 3110.82 1631.41 556.81 3899.74 6268.54 573.88 2016.17 9561.92 3521.39 3473.90 3441.10 4842.41 4297.25 0 9599.10 3870.42 3184.11 8598.94 4393.55 9377.40 3031.88 1978.59 4967.81
Rio de Janeiro 1486.78 6630.61 4532.50 753.63 4379.38 1982.61 4646.13 4518.16 8519.51 8111.73 6620.25 4571.41 6635.56 8075.66 9054.77 5825.51 3770.19 10130.67 7672.88 1826.85 8195.95 6475.82 7750.34 4897.99 5302.96 9599.10 0 5749.02 6445.50 2919.76 5525.93 352.58 8265.31 11213.01 4789.02
San Jose 4844.96 948.33 1251.04 5239.16 2685.81 5623.94 1102.93 1878.05 3563.48 2379.25 872.02 1421.94 1477.88 2494.94 3342.99 1191.19 2563.13 4386.25 1929.99 5778.08 4076.81 1827.28 3560.88 1557.68 510.14 3870.42 5749.02 0 697.05 5024.97 1758.65 5513.06 3775.26 5661.16 1671.32
San Salvador 5515.12 433.39 1941.32 5934.50 3196.66 6259.19 1799.44 2446.36 3130.50 1686.14 175.00 2040.18 1270.64 1892.76 2665.46 1408.33 3159.78 3692.88 1234.09 6422.29 3825.59 1770.07 3343.77 2078.17 1177.55 3184.11 6445.50 697.05 0 5596.08 2060.42 6207.22 3456.92 5012.73 2203.78
Santiago 1550.78 5956.51 4243.15 3249.46 5303.24 1111.17 4144.58 4899.57 8544.69 6938.16 5741.29 3606.30 6407.87 7488.22 8156.92 5753.73 2464.61 8992.08 6605.96 1340.86 8777.40 6542.16 8247.82 5108.00 4805.34 8598.94 2919.76 5024.97 5596.08 0 5827.95 2585.65 8614.62 10547.01 5064.66
Santo Domingo 5115.47 1855.43 1642.39 4850.86 1349.15 6087.76 1842.51 1026.66 3002.85 3413.82 2166.26 2559.10 1296.27 2762.37 3842.35 655.73 3520.22 4966.99 2984.34 6177.03 2956.76 964.35 2433.62 723.56 1467.64 4393.55 5525.93 1758.65 2060.42 5827.95 0 5397.46 2859.84 5721.30 789.21
Sao Paulo 1134.26 6411.61 4316.30 844.91 4308.74 1694.21 4411.44 4378.04 8399.75 7860.34 6381.31 4294.48 6463.42 7882.24 8838.72 5658.39 3453.47 9899.30 7427.47 1560.89 8140.75 6334.78 7679.08 4745.78 5081.59 9377.40 352.58 5513.06 6207.22 2585.65 5397.46 0 8181.76 11042.30 4642.30
Toronto 7974.34 3023.57 4372.31 7544.05 3886.41 8945.26 4479.14 3877.10 701.02 3379.43 3395.43 5092.98 2297.62 2091.16 2706.20 2862.46 6195.58 3489.23 3258.20 9036.84 504.43 2073.37 552.99 3575.81 3855.69 3031.88 8265.31 3775.26 3456.92 8614.62 2859.84 8181.76 0 3354.71 3649.00
Vancouver 10498.93 4716.37 6760.59 10565.83 6991.44 11271.56 6718.02 6703.95 2851.35 3627.50 4852.62 7052.90 4579.71 3184.92 2390.09 5387.97 8162.82 1735.86 3941.09 11434.47 3684.30 4758.36 3902.64 6317.13 6022.02 1978.59 11213.01 5661.16 5012.73 10547.01 5721.30 11042.30 3354.71 0 6428.99
Willemstad 4327.07 2153.05 1008.28 4139.70 1014.51 5299.02 1275.25 281.23 3771.33 3781.78 2352.00 1995.83 1876.63 3358.74 4411.01 1069.81 2829.37 5534.22 3327.49 5387.84 3737.42 1692.74 3218.09 129.77 1210.71 4967.81 4789.02 1671.32 2203.78 5064.66 789.21 4642.30 3649.00 6428.99 0

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