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Asian Cities
Estimated Travel Distance between Asian Cities
Ankara Baghdad Bangalore Bangkok Bombay Chongqing Delhi Dhaka Ho Chi Minh City Istanbul Jakarta Karachi Lahore Madras Manila Peking Phnum Penh Rangoon Riyadh Seoul Shanghai Singapore Tehran Tokyo Yokohama
Ankara 0 1260.34 5281.56 7129.70 4459.55 6637.43 4211.89 5620.40 7860.08 351.19 9096.00 3586.88 3818.80 5489.68 8807.92 6825.51 7655.57 6554.64 2137.11 7741.06 7732.12 8288.08 1693.15 8760.88 8771.36
Baghdad 1260.34 0 4046.12 6038.00 3237.66 5819.34 3155.64 4579.31 6781.06 1606.96 7891.33 2385.84 2805.84 4267.05 7885.63 6286.84 6572.25 5465.09 993.62 7238.76 7065.60 7112.66 693.79 8344.05 8349.46
Bangalore 5281.56 4046.12 0 2479.74 837.38 3503.34 1743.06 1801.57 3170.54 5632.75 3867.03 1721.31 2089.37 292.49 4679.73 4822.97 2970.67 2038.78 3478.97 5583.37 4909.08 3160.25 3633.16 6662.62 6651.02
Bangkok 7129.70 6038.00 2479.74 0 3005.22 1863.34 2917.88 1534.65 746.28 7464.18 2320.82 3708.02 3317.72 2187.48 2206.07 3295.05 535.99 575.29 5732.79 3720.41 2886.06 1422.51 5450.72 4603.65 4585.47
Bombay 4459.55 3237.66 837.38 3005.22 0 3597.66 1165.38 1892.93 3740.37 4810.56 4654.52 884.61 1405.48 1030.57 5130.76 4751.55 3531.54 2478.42 2755.69 5603.77 5036.98 3898.09 2799.50 6734.94 6727.25
Chongqing 6637.43 5819.34 3503.34 1863.34 3597.66 0 2841.98 1727.57 2090.41 6922.28 3971.03 3919.55 3078.78 3264.08 2224.74 1458.45 2008.62 1770.37 5874.56 2085.56 1439.32 3146.49 5137.33 3164.58 3154.20
Delhi 4211.89 3155.64 1743.06 2917.88 1165.38 2841.98 0 1424.20 3649.82 4546.62 5002.92 1092.88 422.91 1760.31 4751.88 3772.33 3444.33 2342.98 3047.87 4682.08 4240.90 4140.23 2538.96 5835.41 5831.50
Dhaka 5620.40 4579.31 1801.57 1534.65 1892.93 1727.57 1424.20 0 2244.24 5949.32 3769.28 2366.16 1801.80 1591.42 3356.63 3023.61 2043.76 976.85 4405.39 3790.47 3160.66 2872.13 3959.84 4890.65 4880.74
Ho Chi Minh City 7860.08 6781.06 3170.54 746.28 3740.37 2090.41 3649.82 2244.24 0 8191.56 1880.64 4454.13 4042.40 2878.76 1609.38 3380.78 210.47 1316.03 6476.32 3604.80 2737.02 1089.57 6187.11 4330.84 4309.40
Istanbul 351.19 1606.96 5632.75 7464.18 4810.56 6922.28 4546.62 5949.32 8191.56 0 9445.08 3937.24 4149.16 5840.60 9107.51 7048.30 7988.02 6889.53 2455.02 7949.81 7979.38 8633.99 2038.82 8942.74 8954.43
Jakarta 9096.00 7891.33 3867.03 2320.82 4654.52 3971.03 5002.92 3769.28 1880.64 9445.08 0 5512.36 5424.90 3628.25 2786.16 5215.62 1980.76 2807.10 7337.18 5290.41 4436.21 902.81 7409.27 5782.45 5757.15
Karachi 3586.88 2385.84 1721.31 3708.02 884.61 3919.55 1092.88 2366.16 4454.13 3937.24 5512.36 0 1029.68 1907.26 5719.04 4853.19 4243.69 3146.99 2044.33 5771.16 5329.96 4726.94 1916.50 6925.45 6921.93
Lahore 3818.80 2805.84 2089.37 3317.72 1405.48 3078.78 422.91 1801.80 4042.40 4149.16 5424.90 1029.68 0 2139.64 5080.43 3866.99 3839.10 2744.60 2800.85 4802.14 4433.40 4559.74 2164.47 5956.88 5955.16
Madras 5489.68 4267.05 292.49 2187.48 1030.57 3264.08 1760.31 1591.42 2878.76 5840.60 3628.25 1907.26 2139.64 0 4388.43 4613.04 2678.50 1753.42 3737.53 5348.71 4655.65 2896.33 3823.41 6414.21 6401.90
Manila 8807.92 7885.63 4679.73 2206.07 5130.76 2224.74 4751.88 3356.63 1609.38 9107.51 2786.16 5719.04 5080.43 4388.43 0 2849.22 1771.10 2663.86 7761.37 2619.55 1847.14 2391.81 7229.61 2996.30 2971.04
Peking 6825.51 6286.84 4822.97 3295.05 4751.55 1458.45 3772.33 3023.61 3380.78 7048.30 5215.62 4853.19 3866.99 4613.04 2849.22 0 3348.82 3227.09 6590.28 955.63 1069.95 4469.69 5596.14 2098.00 2098.48
Phnum Penh 7655.57 6572.25 2970.67 535.99 3531.54 2008.62 3444.33 2043.76 210.47 7988.02 1980.76 4243.69 3839.10 2678.50 1771.10 3348.82 0 1107.23 6266.09 3631.24 2768.04 1138.19 5980.56 4405.44 4384.88
Rangoon 6554.64 5465.09 2038.78 575.29 2478.42 1770.37 2342.98 976.85 1316.03 6889.53 2807.10 3146.99 2744.60 1753.42 2663.86 3227.09 1107.23 0 5180.65 3793.40 3015.07 1905.61 4875.49 4774.46 4759.11
Riyadh 2137.11 993.62 3478.97 5732.79 2755.69 5874.56 3047.87 4405.39 6476.32 2455.02 7337.18 2044.33 2800.85 3737.53 7761.37 6590.28 6266.09 5180.65 0 7542.85 7230.87 6633.85 1304.16 8686.89 8688.16
Seoul 7741.06 7238.76 5583.37 3720.41 5603.77 2085.56 4682.08 3790.47 3604.80 7949.81 5290.41 5771.16 4802.14 5348.71 2619.55 955.63 3631.24 3793.40 7542.85 0 868.56 4669.27 6549.07 1155.23 1153.06
Shanghai 7732.12 7065.60 4909.08 2886.06 5036.98 1439.32 4240.90 3160.66 2737.02 7979.38 4436.21 5329.96 4433.40 4655.65 1847.14 1069.95 2768.04 3015.07 7230.87 868.56 0 3801.00 6372.47 1763.85 1749.98
Singapore 8288.08 7112.66 3160.25 1422.51 3898.09 3146.49 4140.23 2872.13 1089.57 8633.99 902.81 4726.94 4559.74 2896.33 2391.81 4469.69 1138.19 1905.61 6633.85 4669.27 3801.00 0 6595.29 5315.37 5292.18
Tehran 1693.15 693.79 3633.16 5450.72 2799.50 5137.33 2538.96 3959.84 6187.11 2038.82 7409.27 1916.50 2164.47 3823.41 7229.61 5596.14 5980.56 4875.49 1304.16 6549.07 6372.47 6595.29 0 7659.66 7664.56
Tokyo 8760.88 8344.05 6662.62 4603.65 6734.94 3164.58 5835.41 4890.65 4330.84 8942.74 5782.45 6925.45 5956.88 6414.21 2996.30 2098.00 4405.44 4774.46 8686.89 1155.23 1763.85 5315.37 7659.66 0 27.67
Yokohama 8771.36 8349.46 6651.02 4585.47 6727.25 3154.20 5831.50 4880.74 4309.40 8954.43 5757.15 6921.93 5955.16 6401.90 2971.04 2098.48 4384.88 4759.11 8688.16 1153.06 1749.98 5292.18 7664.56 27.67 0
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