Comments from Rajan Ahuja

Rajan Ahuja
C/o Realty & Verticals
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Rajan Ahuja
Let there be Sunshine!

If you think that the progress in Bali was mainly inconsequential, you may be right. The delegates have agreed to negotiate and formulate comprehensive treaty to replace the Kyoto Protocol which expires in 2012. They have shown resolve for the first time to address deforestation, which contributes for one-fifth of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions. China’s assurances notwithstanding, is projected to overtake the United States as the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases. Other emerging powers have been told to indicate “measurable, reportable and verifiable” emissions cuts.
But what lacks is a robust tangible national and international strategy for a problem that is all pervasive and supersedes national boundaries. The coming few months will make the situation more defined, especially for the United States. Simple Talk may not be the only thing which the world might be expecting out of USA. In spite urgency shown by the European countries, the Americans totally rejected the idea of setting even conditional targets for reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases. Moreover they also refused to give a clear-cut definite commitment on controlling America’s own emissions. If that’s the way it goes there is little hope that other great emitters, including China, will modify their ways. 
But there is some comfort in knowing that the energy bill approved last week included several provisions that would reduce the United States’ dependence on foreign oil and its output of greenhouse gases. An ambitious bill aimed at cutting America’s greenhouse gas emissions by 70 percent has been approved by a Senate committee and may come to the floor next year. Despite deficient nature of the bill will provoke intense debate and keep the hopes of the world alive, especially when the whole the world is looking up to it for leading the way. Venture capitalists have also invested funds into cleaner fuels. And rising public opinion and concern which is has started gathering a storm.
Advancement internationally will hinge heavily on whether Washington is ready to follow Europe’s instance and enforce compulsory controls on emissions. Being one of the largest emitter of heat-trapping gases, the United States cannot anticipate other countries to make colossal investments in new and alternative ways of producing and using energy unless it leads by example. 

Nations have failed to achieve consensus in Bali on the move ahead. Should there be a global cap-and-trade system. The bill represents an important primary step toward restoring America’s credibility at a time when the world needs American leadership.
Invariably China and India will have to be part of the scheme of things. Along with other developing countries, both have been exempted from any commitments to reduce emissions at Kyoto on grounds that the industrialized countries bore the heaviest historical responsibility. No one knows for sure how far this plausible rationale will go but it will be much easier to get China, India and others to implement inclusive policies if the United States is also on board.
The job is to make sure that prosperous countries don’t get away with only making magnum-opus commitments and that related funding for serious actions given at Bali are made available. Most crucial will be adequate provision of subsidy for making it cost-effective for producers in poor countries to deploy alternative technologies. Going by the how the wind blows even intellectual property rights, specifically removal of obstacles for up gradation and transfer of technology, could be eased.
Let there be more sunshine and clarity on the issue, as the whole world is waiting in anticipation for the clouds to blow over.



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