Prediction Forecast for Year 2014
This forecast is based on your moonsign and NOT Sunsign. Most people don't know their Moonsign. We advise to check your Moonsign from your horoscope. moon on which No. of Rashi if your moon on 7th No. Rashi( any house in Lagan Janm Kundli) it meens you are Libra. |
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Moon will complete
one round of Zodiac within 27 to 28 days and within one year.
The moon will
complete 13 round of full zodiac along round of the Earth.
Mercury will
complete one round of zodiac with 13 to 15 months
and due to
its inconsistent speed falls 25 to 30 days to cover one sign.
Prediction Forecast for Year 2014
You just Type only your - *Month - *Date - *Year and *Birth Time. (* = Must)
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