Maya Calendar - End of the World - December 21, 2012
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Maya Calendar
December 21st, 2012 A.D
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Convergence - Black holes, Mayan Calendar and Pole shift of 2012
LHC-ATLANTIS 2008 ( Galactic Alignment 2012 APROVED !

Convergence - Black holes, Mayan Calendar and Pole shift of 2012
According to some source this video was leaked from NASA.

According to this video, galaxies are created out of super massive black holes. The spiral nature of galaxy is created by the spinning black holes. As the black hole spins, it create a thin spinning elliptical disc. In the center of this disc, is the galactic plane where gravity is the strongest. Our solar system cyclically pass through the galactic plane. As our solar system passes through the galactic plane we will experience devastating geo-physical changes and disasters and pole shifts.

The Mayan Calendar describes the cyclic movement of the earth through the galactic plane and forecasts worldwide devastation. Our next passage through the galactic plane will be between the years 2008-2015.

Convergence - Black holes, Mayan Calendar and Pole shift of 2012


Maya Calendar
December 21st, 2012 A.D
Interesting & Quick Facts
Mayan Religion
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