3D-Animation courses

Objectives of the Course
The objectives of the course are to :
Aquaint the students with the features of 'C' Language*Introduce basic concepts of data structures and operations.*Introduce the fundamental concepts with special reference to UNIX *Provide strong foundation in the subject area.
Course Content
C' Data Structure Course Content
Introduction to C programming Language.* Derived Data types , Symbolic Constants.* Type Cast Operators and Expression Evaluation.* Details of printf and scanf functions.* Conditional and repetitive constructs in C.* Nested Loops and usage of Continue and Break Statements.* Function Activation.* Storage Class Definitions of Variables in C.* Parameter Transfer in C.* Processing One Dimension Arrays.* Processing Multidimensional Arrays.* Pointers and arrays.* Declaration and Manipulation of Array of Pointers.* Function Pointers.* Pointer to a structure as Parameter to a function. * Linear linked list.* File I/O Functions with examples.* More about Masking Operations.* Stack as an ADT. * Array implementation of a queue ADT.* Sorting Alogrithms-Recursive and non recursive implementation of Quicksort
UNIX Course Content
Introduction to UNIX operating systems.* Introduction to UNIX file systems.* Concept of Processes and Concurrent Execution.* Process Management in UNIX.* Process scheduling.* More on UNIX files.* More on Filters.* Shell Programming.* UNIX tools: sed , awk.
Other Issues
Assignments: A wide range of problems in the areas of scientific and commercial applications cover the practise sessions as home tutorials and laboratory assignments.* Projects Instill : projects involving system programming are provided to instill the much needed confidence in students to work in real life projects in industries.* Feedback : It allows the students to be in touch with the courseware design team at IIT Kharagpur , to clear their doubts.* Internal Tests:(a) A short quiz (b) Mid Exams. * Final Examination.

Objectives of the Course
Developing graphical user interface and programming using C++. The reason for bringing these under a single course is to project the basics of object oriented style of programming.
More specific Objectives are:-
Learn X- windows programming using motif widgets.* Learn event style programming .*Learn C++ programming .*Approach problem in a object oriented manner.* Unify concepts of GUI programming and C++ programming .
Course Content
ntroduction of Object oriented programming.* Overview of new key words in C++.* Linkage Introduction.* Structure Extentions.* Type of data members and member function, const. function.* Nested classes.* Introduction to friend function & friend class, introduction to a function overloading.*Union as a class key , design & implementation of linear linked list .* Introduction to derivation, pointer manipulation.* Introduction to virtual function , abstract classes.* Multiple inheritance , pointer manipulation .* Introduction to virtual base classes. *Introduction to operator overloading.* Introduction to templates.* Introduction & implementation of intrusive & non intrusive list mechanism using templates.* Template function.* Introduction to I/O , concept of streams & puffers, various input / output statements.* I/O 's class relationship.

Graphical User Interface
Introduction to GUI, X - windows, features of Xwindows, Client- server model , the X- client server model.* Widgets , Object Oriented concepts.* Collection with the X- server, creation of widgets .* Managing & realizing widgets, Event dispatching, Naming conventions in -Xlib , Xt Intrinsics , X Motif .* Widget resources .* Call backs- Adding. * Detail coverage of following widgets with sample programs: Push button widget, Customizing push button widget as quit button:- *Text widget. *Bulletin board widget. * Row column widget. *Form widget. *Proportionate resizing of widgets, Unmanaging widgets.*Menus , Popup & pulldown menus. *List & Selection type widgets. *Creating paned & scrolled windows containing other widgets. * Concepts of popup dialogs .* Events & Action , defining new actions. * Graphics in X, the graphics context. * Mouse events & their use in interactive graphics. *Colours , pixel , colour maps, pixmaps & bitmaps.* Use of time out events & pixmaps in animation. *Fonts & Strings in X & Motif, fontlists. * Writing X interfaces to existing application under Unix. *Multiple windows & other of widgets. *The internal architecture of widgets. *Introduction to Visual C++. *Menus in Visual C++.* Graphic's in Visual C++.
Other Issues
Assignments: The assignments reinforce the students understanding of lessons. Basicly the student has to demonstrate that they have understood concept discussed in the lecture. * Projects: Project are of practical nature to give the students confident & feel of real life application. * Feedback : It allows the students to be in touch with the courseware design team at IIT Kharagpur , to clear their doubts.* Internal Tests:(a) A short quiz (b) Mid Exams. * Final Examination.
Objectives of the Course
The course is aimed at providing both theoretical foundation as well as practical engineering background for RDBMS design. This includes conceptual modeling, translation into practical RDBMS schema, design optimization, data based programming in SQL, file-systems recovery,  concurrency & transaction control. One of the most wildly used RDBMS platforms , mainly ORACLE.
Course Content
The need of a DBMS in an information System (IS). * Basic components of DBMS, role of a DBMS in a information System (IS), user of a DBMS, features of a data base interface languages. * Need for data models, basics concepts of E-R model, relational model, network model.* The basic concept of E-R model, entity sets, meaning of key attributes, superkey, canditate key & primary key, mapping constraints.* Concept of a relation, it attributes & domains of attributes, How an E-R model can be converted into a set of relation, definition of a data based key in a relational model.* Introduction to relational algebra, fundamental & additional operations. *Introduction to relational calculus , tuple relational formulae.* Introduction to integrity constraints, domain constraints, referential integrity, self referential integrity assertions & triggers. * Concepts of functional dependencies. *Introduction to data based decomposition.* Introduction to file system, physical storage media, disk organization, organization of records into blocks, buffer management, different file organization. * Concept on recovery from failure, discussion on atomicity & commitment Introduction to concurrency control, schedueles, detection of serializability, timestamping technique, lock-based techniques, two-phase locking.
Introduction: Commercial data base query language , Oracle, SQL & its environment.* SQL as Data Language : Creating tables, Altering tables& Dropping tables .* SQL as Query Language .* Defining Indices, views , Transaction control, Integrity constraints, Security & Locking database. * The Oracle Database Environment, architecture & components: Creating DATABASE & TABLESPACE Executable RDBMS code .* PL/SQL
Other Issues
Assignments: The assignments reinforce the students understanding of lessons. Basicly the student has to demonstrate that they have understood concept discussed in the lecture. * Projects: Project are of practical nature to give the students confident & feel of real life application. *  Feedback : It allows the students to be in touch with the courseware design team at IIT Kharagpur , to clear their doubts.* Internal Tests:(a) A short quiz (b) Mid Exams. *Final Examination
Objectives of the Course
The present Course aims at providing comprehensive understanding of different aspects of computer network & Internet Application , beginning with an introduce with the background knowledge for understanding the subject with the proper perspective .
More specific objectives are as follows:-
To familiarize with computer communication through LAN & WANs. *Understanding LAN Technologies. *Explain the concept of internet working & how networks are linked together with hardware & software interfaces. *Cover different aspects of TCP/IP. *Demonstrate World Wide Web (WWW) , Gopher , FTP , Electronic mail , Telnet .* Learn to create web pages by using Hyper Text Markup Language(HTML). *Learn Java programming.
Course Content
Computer Networks
Evolution of Computer Networks. * Layered Network Architecture , relation between services & protocols , ISO's OSI reference model. * Data Communication Concepts:- Data ,Signal & Channel Characteristics, Time Domain. « Data Encoding Techniques -» Non return to Zero (NRZ), Manchester coding , Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK), Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) , Phase Shift Keying (PSK), Pulse Code Modulation (PCM). «Baseband & Broadband Signals. » Error Detection Techniques- Parity checking , Cyclic Reduncy Checks (CRC). « Error Control Techniques. » « Asynchronous & Synchronous Transmission. » « Multiplexing of Signals -» Frequency division multiplexing (FDM) Time division multiplexing (TDM). « Switching Broadcasting Techniques. » *Transmission Media & Topologies 1. Guided transmission techniques. 2.Unguided transmission techniques .3.Topology. * Medium Access control techniques- Goal of medium access control techniques , Round robin, Contention-ALOHO, S-ALHO, CSMA , CSMA/CD., Reservation- Distributed R-ALHO , Binder Scheme.* IEEE802 Standard LANs.* High Speed LANs : FDDI, Switched Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet , 100VG-AnyLAN , ATM .* Internetworking Issues : 1.Naming-Domain Name System. 2. Addressing - IP- addressing. 3. Routing.4. Congestion Control. 5. Security.* Internetworking:- 1. Extending a single LAN , repeater. 2. Connecting two Lans ,Bridge. 3.Connecting LAN to WAN .* Structured cabling concepts ..1.EIA/TIA 568 Standards. 2. UTP Cabling. 3. Optical fibre cabling .* Network Equipment and Case Studies 1. Modem and its types. 2. Hubs and its categories. 3.Etherswitch 4.FDDI equipment .5.Case study of Campus Network.* Introduction to TCP/IP 1.Simplified network layer model .2. TCP/IP protocol suite. 3.Encapsulation * Network Addressing And Routing 1. IP diagram 2. Fragmentation and Re-assembly 3. IP address class 4. Subnetworks 5.Routing consideration 6.ARP, RARP and ICMP * Transport Layer Protocols1. UDP and TCP 2. Port number and association 3.Encapsulation 4.Sockets * Socket interface in UNIX 1.Socket type 2.Socket creation 3.Binding local names 4.Connection establishment 5.Data transfer 6.Closing sockets 7.Connectionless sockets 8.Input-output multiplexing 9.Network library routines 10.Examples of client server implementations *Applications and Services 1.Domain Name System 2.RLOGIN and TELNET SMTP and FTP 3.Remote procedure call (RPC) 4.Remote file access 5.X window system 6.Simple network management protocol (SNMP) *Administration of TCP/IP LAN's 1..Routing and addressing 2.Selecting an addressing structure 3.Dealing with multiple subnets 4.Routing considerations 5.Bridge and gateways * TCP/IP: The Future Trend 1.Features of the new IP version 2.IPv6 fragmentation and reassembly 3.Basic address types in IPv6 * Evaluation of The Internet 1.What is internet ? 2.Overview of internet applications 3.Intranet : The web within  *Internet Security and Firewall Design 1.Introduction2. Internet firewall 3. Packet level filters 4.Accessing services through a firewall 5.Firewall implementation * Internet Services and Protocol 1.File transfer protocol (FTP) and telnet 2.Electronic Mail 3.Gopher : basic concept * World Wide Web (WWW) 1.Introduction 2.Browsers : the WWW client 3.The web server 4. Uniform resource locators( URL) 5. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 6. Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) * Creating web pages using HTML 1. Introduction 2.HTML tags and categories 3. Building HTML documents 4. HTML forms 5. Clickable maps 6. HTML Extension* Common gateway interface(CGI) * JavaScript * Programming in JAVA 1. An introduction to java 2. Basic language features 3. Objects oriented Features in Java 4. Class inheritance 5. Graphics programming 6. Designing user Interfaces 7. Java applets 8. Input/output and exception handling 9. Network programming 10. Multithreading
Modular Courses - Minimum Educational Criteria & Prerequisite Knowledge

MO11: Programming in C & Data Structure .
Criteria : Graduate in any discipline.* Pre-requisite Knowledge :- A reasonable knowledge of one of Operating System and any Programming language .
MO12 : Introduction to Operating System & UNIX .
Criteria : Graduate in any discipline. * Pre-requisite Knowledge:- A reasonable
knowledge of one of Operating System and 'C' language . 
MO21 : Object Oriented Programming in C++ .
Criteria: Graduate in any discipline .* Pre-requisite Knowledge:- A reasonable
knowledge of one of Operating System and 'C' language . 
MO22: X Motif Programming for GUI Design.
Criteria: Graduate in any discipline. * Pre-requisite Knowledge:- A reasonable
knowledge of one of Operating System and 'C' language . 
MO41 : Computer Networks .
Criteria : Graduate with Physics or Electronics . * Pre-requisite Knowledge:- A reasonable knowledge of one of Operating System .
MO42 : TCP/IP Programming .
Criteria: Graduate in any discipline. * Pre-requisite Knowledge:- A reasonable
knowledge of one of Operating System and 'C' language . 
MO43 : Internet Application & Java . 

Criteria : Graduate in any discipline.* Pre-requisite Knowledge :- A reasonable knowledge of one of Operating System and any Programming language .

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